I'm not really good with the Clan forces and they are not that accurate. Total Strength Veteran Regular 85% 56 Regiments 1 Battalion >Task Force Navarre Veteran Fanatic 85% 3 Regiments >Periphery March Regular Regular 98% 7 Regiments >Draconis March Regular Regular 82% 15 Regiments 2 Battalions >Crucis March Veteran Regular 80% 19 Regiments >Capellan March Veteran Regular 82% 11 Regiments 2 Battalions >Federated Suns Experience Loyalty Strength Total Strength Veteran Fanatic 58% 64 9 Clusters >Omega Galaxy Veteran Fanatic 68% 58 3 Clusters >Beta Galaxy Veteran Fanatic 35% 65 3 Clusters >Alpha Galaxy Veteran Fanatic 70% 70 3 Clusters >Clan Wolf(In-Exile) Experience Loyalty Strength Omni/% Total Strength Veteran Regular 71% 24 84 Clusters >Mu Galaxy Regular Regular 48% 0 6 Clusters >Upsilon Galaxy Regular Regular 68% 0 6 Clusters >Sigma Galaxy Regular Regular 68% 0 6 Clusters >Tau Galaxy Regular Regular 63% 0 6 Clusters >Theta Galaxy Regular Regular 77% 0 6 Clusters >Lambda Galaxy Regular Regular 68% 0 6 Clusters >Kappa Galaxy Regular Regular 58% 0 6 Clusters >Iota Galaxy Veteran Regular 63% 0 6 Clusters >Zeta Galaxy Veteran Fanatic 74% 54 6 Clusters >Gamma Galaxy Veteran Regular 73% 63 6 Clusters >Epsilon Galaxy Veteran Regular 80% 48 6 Clusters >Delta Galaxy Veteran Fanatic 87% 46 6 Clusters >Beta Galaxy Veteran Fanatic 76% 58 6 Clusters >Alpha Galaxy Veteran Fanatic 85% 60 6 Clusters >Clan Wolf Experience Loyalty Strength Omni/% To carry on with this, here is Clan Wolf, Clan Wolf in exile, and the Federated Suns. Total Strength Veteran Regular 77% 34 43 Clusters >Omega Galaxy Regular Regular 79% 0 4 Clusters >Kappa Galaxy Regular Regular 83% 0 4 Clusters >Iota Galaxy Regular Regular 88% 0 4 Clusters >Theta Galaxy Regular Regular 85% 0 4 Clusters >Fire Horse Galaxy Elite Fanatic 82% 49 5 Clusters >Epsilon Galaxy Veteran Regular 72% 51 5 Clusters >Delta Galaxy Regular Regular 73% 50 5 Clusters >Beta Galaxy Veteran Regular 56% 51 5 Clusters >Alpha Galaxy Veteran Regular 72% 37 5 Clusters >Clan Command Elite Fanatic 83% 100 2 Clusters >Clan Hell's Horse Experience Loyalty Strength Omni/% Total Strength Veteran Regular 61% 2 Regiments 1 Battalion >Republic Remnant Experience Loyalty Strength Total Strength Veteran Fanatic 91% 18 Regiments 1 Battalion >Stone's Brigade Veteran Fanatic 90% 6 Regiments >Triarii Protectors Regular Regular 93% 5 Regiments 1 Battalions each >Princeipes Guards Veteran Regular 91% 6 Regiments 2 Battalions each >Hastati Sentinels Veteran Fanatic 88% 7 Regiments >Fortress Republic Experience Loyalty Strength

The main reason I started was because I looked through some of the earlier stuff and found the Planetary Invasion game, and was wondering what of the modern factions would have the better chance of taking all the others down. This is just the mech forces of each power in 3145, not counting coventional or aerospace strength. What do you guys think of this, should I continue or what? So I've been wanting to see how strong each faction is in comparision to each other in 3145 so here's what I've got so far. Read this if you stopped playing a long time ago or if you are a newcomer >A summary explaining a little of everything. Aimed for miniature play, fast games and newcomers. >BT too slow for you? AS has simplified rules based on Quick-Strike and Battleforce. >Read this to get a brief overview of the game and the fluff Record Sheets 3145 - New Tech New Upgrades Now we have the TRO 3145 RotS and the RS 3145 NTNU.